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Seasoned Civil War and Americana enthusiasts will likely recognize Gunsight Antiques as we have been around for years participating in the finest Civil War era specialty shows of the past. They will have seen Gunsight Antiques in the Maine Antique Digest, the old standbys Civil War News, Civil War Courier and of course, the premier North South Trader’s CIVIL WAR along with our contribution to, and advertising in, their Civil War Price Guide. Our business philosophy is unchanged. We seek out and offer what we like. Add respect and fairness to all from the most experienced to the novice and we have a business base that has served Gunsight Antiques and its clientele well.
In addition to many of the finest private collections
our client list includes :
A & E Civil War Journals - American Portrait Gallery (Smithsonian National Museum) - Carlisle Barracks, U.S. Army Military Museum – (Gene Autry) Great Western Museum – Gettysburg Visitors Ctr. Museum - Hampton Roads Museum - Maine Historical Society - Maine Historical Preservation Commission - Maine State Museum - Museum of the Confederacy - Military Order of the Loyal Legion Museum - Pejebscot Historical Society (Chamberlain Museum) - U.S. Medical and Surgical Museum - U. S. Navy Museum - Virginia Historical Society, and others. Additionally we are pleased to count credits in numerous historic books on the Civil War with photo and research contributions to the acclaimed Ken Burns PBS series on the American Civil War.
Need to reach us? click here

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17623 Loop Lane SE
Yelm, WA 98597
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Updated Saturday, July 27 2024
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