Your Price: $ 225.00
Item Number: 63271 |
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All offered here as found in a period coffin type double straight razor case, is this early stub-tail razor with accompanying late 1700s early 1800s iron frame spectacles. The razor is mounted in whale baleen scales with a telltale stub tang, indicating the razor was probably manufactured in the 1820-1830s. The blade fits snugly between the scales, shows evidence of period hone wear while remaining keen with no nicks in the cutting edge. The shank is marked CLARK & HALL WARRANTED. The iron framed spectacles are fitted with classic telescoping temples and string tie loops. Included as folded and housed with the family relics is a descendant note advising that these Spectacles and the razor belonged to your great great-grandfather Riley He was born in Virginia in 1786 Died in Indiana in 1860. Innocuous as the information provided seems, an Ancestry.com search for a Riley born in Virginia in 1786 and passing in Indiana in 1860 produced but a single match. He was James Riley who was born Prince William County, Virginia on December 22, 1787 and died on June 22 1860 in Whitley County, Indiana. A notation posted by a descendant offers advises that James Riley moved to Fayette County , Ohio at age seventeen where he married and settled as a pioneer. Relocating to Whitley County in 1843-44 Riley purchased 40 acres of land for himself and each of his four children. The notation advises further that James Riley had been engaged in Indian skirmishes as a soldier in the War of 1812 and that his father Abraham was a veteran of the American Revolution. A neat all original personal grouping worthy of preservation. Buy with confidence! We are pleased to offer a no questions asked three day inspection with return as purchased on direct sales! Just send us a courtesy e-mail to let us know your item will be returned per these provisions and your purchase price will be refunded accordingly. Thanks for visiting Gunsight Antiques!
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