Your Price: $ 225.00
Item Number: 6289 |
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Best described here by our photo illustrations, we purchased this attractive hand carved peach pit watch fob from the personal collection of Dr. Francis Lord. The piece is illustrated in his Lord’s Civil War Collector’s Encyclopedia Vol. V page 217 where the author identifies the fob simply as once the property of T. Williams, 1st Maine Infantry. Recently rediscovered as we peruse long set aside Maine related items we find that some in depth research will be necessary to nail down our T. Williams of the 1st Me. Inf.. as our initial check of Maine rosters did not produce a 1st Infantry T. Williams. As there were four Mainers by that name serving in 1st Maine designated units, (1st Me. SS, 1st Heavy & two in the 1st Me. Cav.) we assume the Infantry reference was in error in the book or more likely that one of the four served in the three month 1st Maine Infantry prior to enlisting in one of the above. Veteran collectors and those familiar with the authoritative publications of the pioneer Civil War collector will appreciate the fact that this item emanated from the collection of Dr. Francis Lord several years ago when we were fortunate enough to purchase several groupings from the personal collection of our longtime friend. A Civil War collector from a day when nearly no one else paid much attention to the details of many now valued Civil War collectible categories, Francis authored the widely known, multi volume, pioneer reference, Lord’s CIVIL WAR COLLECTORS ENCYCLOPEDIA. While a lot of detailed knowledge has been gained as the interest in Civil War collectibles increased so dramatically over the years, Dr. Lord’s encyclopedia volumes and his Civil War Sutlers & Their Wares continue to offer valuable and reliable reference to Civil War collectors.
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