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Memorabilia > Colonial & CIVIL WAR era through 1880s AMERICANA



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Click here to enlarge image and see more about item 63447: Civil War issue pair -  lead filled- intertwined USA Bridal Rosettes

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Civil War issue pair - lead filled- intertwined USA Bridal Rosettes In fully original and in untouched condition, these exceptionally nice intwined USA bridle rosettes have survived as a pair on their vintage collection mount.
Buy with confidence! We are pleased to offer a no questions asked three day inspection with return as purchased on direct sales! Just send us a courtesy e-mail to let us know your item will be returned per these provisions and your purchase price will be refunded accordingly. Thanks for visiting Gunsight Antiques!


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Click here to enlarge image and see more about item 63438-2: Civil War vintage - Meriden Britannia Company - Pat. 1861- WIRE REINFORCED SPOON

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Civil War vintage - Meriden Britannia Company - Pat. 1861- WIRE REINFORCED SPOON Definitely a specialty item for the deep dish mess enthusiast or tableware collector, this Meriden Britannia Company spoon remains in excellent condition and though unmarked as to maker is clearly identifiable as a ’M.B.Co’ patented Feb. 26 1861 spoon by design and the mark of a wire end in the handle edge indicative to the patented application of a cast in internal wire reinforcement. The most significant of several improvement patents utilized by the Connecticut manufacturer, upon close inspection by the educated eye, the clip of the wire end on the side of the spoon handle (see patent drawing) identifies spoons made by M.B. Co. in the period, with or without the {PAT'D FEB.26.61} or maker’s marking. ( A Google search for will offer the original parent drawing and description.)
Buy with confidence! We are pleased to offer a no questions asked three day inspection with return as purchased on direct sales! Just send us a courtesy e-mail to let us know your item will be returned per these provisions and your purchase price will be refunded accordingly. Thanks for visiting Gunsight Antiques!


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Click here to enlarge image and see more about item 63111-2: rare!  Wadhams / Kinsley & Parker’s  Pat. 1858 -  Thermoplastic PHOTO CASE

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rare! Wadhams / Kinsley & Parker’s Pat. 1858 - Thermoplastic PHOTO CASE Best described here by our photo illustrations this WADHAMS Manufacturing Co. gutta-percha / thermoplastic, 9th plate photo case with its Kinsley & Parker’s HINGE Patented June 1st, 1858, remains in untouched and as found condition with a small tear to the velvet liner and a minor scuff to the original label but importantly, with no imperfections to the case itself. A rare photo case (see: Rinehart case No. 15) tight at the hinges and with no cracks, chips, blemishes or other condition issues. Buy with confidence! We are pleased to offer a no questions asked three day inspection with return as purchased on direct sales! Just send us a courtesy e-mail to let us know your item will be returned per these provisions and your purchase price will be refunded accordingly. Thanks for visiting Gunsight Antiques!


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Click here to enlarge image and see more about item 63479: light weight / travel size - Pat. Nov. 1876 - Sheet Iron FRY PAN

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light weight / travel size - Pat. Nov. 1876 - Sheet Iron FRY PAN Just the thing for the Indian Wars era and American Frontier West enthusiast, this nice old travel size skillet remains in nice solid, even usable, original condition down to a bit of open fire residue on its base. Measuring just over 6 inches in diameter tapering to about a 4 ½ inch cook surface, this light weight sheet iron fry pan would fit nicely into most period saddle bags, haversack or would strap conveniently to a well-equipped back pack. Made for travel, this original old pan was die struck of a single piece of medium gauge sheet iron with a patent crimped on tinned grip boldly impressed ACME Pat. Nov.76 referencing the November 14, 1876 patent. Buy with confidence! We are pleased to offer a no questions asked three day inspection with return as purchased on direct sales! Just send us a courtesy e-mail to let us know your item will be returned per these provisions and your purchase price will be refunded accordingly. Thanks for visiting Gunsight Antiques!


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Click here to enlarge image and see more about item 6095:  near new condition!   original Civil War era Percussion Capper with full Cox’s Percussion Caps

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near new condition! original Civil War era Percussion Capper with full Cox’s Percussion Caps Of most interest to the advanced percussion era accessories collector, black powder cartridge enthusiast, or fine period arms collector who would view this offering as an outstanding companion pair to accompany a minty percussion firearm, our photographs will likely offer the best description. Unmarked as to maker, this fine condition percussion capper offers good evidence of age and originality while showing minimal evidence of period use. External surfaces retain a nearly full complement of its original clear lacquer finish still preserving a period original bright finish and internal surfaces remain clean and operable with natural age patina. Acquired together as a pair, this offering includes a rarely found in any condition COX’S BEST WATERPROOF PERCUSSION CAPS marked percussion cap tin retaining an impressive amount of its original lustrous period lacquer finish while offering complement of Cox’s percussion caps. A rare find in any condition this fine all original pair will brighten any quality collection.
Buy with confidence! We are pleased to offer a no questions asked three day inspection with return as purchased on direct sales! Just send us a courtesy e-mail to let us know your item will be returned per these provisions and your purchase price will be refunded accordingly. Thanks for visiting Gunsight Antiques!


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Click here to enlarge image and see more about item 6268: 19th century walking stick of Mjr. Genl. Robert B. Potter – 51st New York Infantry

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19th century walking stick of Mjr. Genl. Robert B. Potter – 51st New York Infantry This pleasing malacca wood cane with the gold monogramed R. B. P. band will best be described here by our photo illustrations except to advise that it was acquired from an established collection where it was attributed to late Major General Robert B. Potter. Potter enlisted on October 12, 1861 as a Major , Field & Staff 51st New York Infantry. He was quickly promoted to Lt. Colonel on November 1, 1861 and was awarded command as Colonel of the 51st N. Y. Infantry on September 20, 1862. Col. Potter was promoted to Brig. General on March 29, 1863 then Bvt. Major General, August 1. 1865 and Major General on September 29, 1865. He took part in Burnside's expedition to North Carolina, led the assault at Roanoke Island, was wounded at New Berne, and participated in the battles of Cedar Mountain, 2nd Bull Run, Chantilly, Antietam where he took part in the assault on the stone bridge and was wounded and Fredericksburg. Potter commanded a division at Vicksburg, the siege of Knoxville and commanded a division in the Wilderness campaign and was severely wounded during the final assault on Petersburg. ( see: The Battle of the Crater: A Complete History by John F. Schmutz) Affiliated with the Atlantic & Great Western Rail Road after the Civil War, Gen. Potter died in Newport R. I> in 1887 and was buried in Greenwood Cemetery in Brooklyn, New York. Buy with confidence! We are pleased to offer a no questions asked three day inspection with return as purchased on direct sales! Just send us a courtesy e-mail to let us know your item will be returned per these provisions and your purchase price will be refunded accordingly. Thanks for visiting Gunsight Antiques!

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Click here to enlarge image and see more about item 6348: Civil War era - SHOULDER SCALES

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Civil War era - SHOULDER SCALES Though examples of Civil War Infantry issue may be found in period photography, shoulder scales emanated out of circa 1850 regulation pressed into early Civil War issue primarily to Cavalry and Mounted Artillery troops. They fell from the scene fairly early on as the early supply was used up not to be replaced as their lack of popularity practicality became evident. Maker marked HORSTMAN PHILA. for the well-known period military supplier, this original pair remain un-touched and as found with a soft age patina and good evidence of age and period use. Best described in detail by our photo illustrations, the pair will wipe-off nicely for display going well on the proper uniform jacket or just laid in with period Civil War accoutrements. Buy with confidence! We are pleased to offer a no questions asked three day inspection with return as purchased on direct sales! Just send us a courtesy e-mail to let us know your item will be returned per these provisions and your purchase price will be refunded accordingly. Thanks for visiting Gunsight Antiques!

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Click here to enlarge image and see more about item 63443: U.S. military issue  PEACE FLASK

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U.S. military issue PEACE FLASK Best described here by our illustrations as to condition and eye appeal, suffice it to say this rarely found JAMES DIXON & SONS SHEFFIELD U. S. Ordnance Department inspected PEACE FLASK remains in excellent all original and complete condition while offering a pleasing untouched age patina and good evidence of period use and handling. Long considered the most attractive of U. S. martial issue powder flasks, this example will be just the thing for the collector looking for a nice pure example that demonstrates good evidence of period use but remains in excellent complete and functioning condition. With a rich age patina, this offering sports strong maker and WS U.S. inspector markings. As you can see by our New Hampshire Sharpshooter photo these flasks did find their way into the Civil War. (see also: Howard Crouch’s (Excavated) Civil War Artifacts - A Guide for the Historian
Buy with confidence! We are pleased to offer a no questions asked three day inspection with return as purchased on direct sales! Just send us a courtesy e-mail to let us know your item will be returned per these provisions and your purchase price will be refunded accordingly. Thanks for visiting Gunsight Antiques!

Circa: 63443

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Click here to enlarge image and see more about item 63437: Civil War vintage - Meriden Britannia Company - Pat. 1861- WIRE REINFORCED SPOON

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Civil War vintage - Meriden Britannia Company - Pat. 1861- WIRE REINFORCED SPOON Definitely a specialty item for the deep dish mess enthusiast or tableware collector, this Meriden Britannia Company spoon remains in excellent condition and though unmarked as to maker is clearly identifiable as a ’M.B.Co’ patented Feb. 26 1861 spoon by design and the mark of a wire end in the handle edge indicative to the patented application of a cast in internal wire reinforcement. The most significant of several improvement patents utilized by the Connecticut manufacturer, upon close inspection by the educated eye, the clip of the wire end on the side of the spoon handle (see patent drawing) identifies spoons made by M.B. Co. in the period, with or without the {PAT'D FEB.26.61} or maker’s marking. ( A Google search for will offer the original parent drawing and description.)
Buy with confidence! We are pleased to offer a no questions asked three day inspection with return as purchased on direct sales! Just send us a courtesy e-mail to let us know your item will be returned per these provisions and your purchase price will be refunded accordingly. Thanks for visiting Gunsight Antiques!


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Click here to enlarge image and see more about item 4394: mid 1800s - W. B. & Co.- Portland Pewter Coffee Pot

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mid 1800s - W. B. & Co.- Portland Pewter Coffee Pot Our photographs will provide the best description on this offering except to advise that it stands approximately 9 ¼ inches and remains in excellent condition save a single small dent as pointed out in our illustration. (Could be pressed out but we’d leave it as found.) These Portland pewter pots are most frequently marked Patent 1862 leaving little doubt that this Patent Applied For example just pre-dates or is very early Civil War vintage. As with all direct sales, we are pleased to offer a no questions asked three day inspection with refund of the purchase price upon return as purchased! Thanks for visiting Gunsight Antiques !

If you have an interest in neat Civil War period things or Maine in the time, you may enjoy our museum site at:


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Click here to enlarge image and see more about item 63230: Scarce! Early 1870s U. S. Marine – SHOULDER KNOTS

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Scarce! Early 1870s U. S. Marine – SHOULDER KNOTS Best described here by our photo illustrations, this rarely seen set of Marine Corps uniform shoulder knots offer good evidence of age and originality while remaining in pleasing condition. Harkening back to a period when the number of Marines in service was limited, this set of knots will go well in any period military collection.

Buy with confidence! We are pleased to offer a no questions asked three day inspection with return as purchased on direct sales! Just send us a courtesy e-mail to let us know your item will be returned per these provisions and your purchase price will be refunded accordingly. Thanks for visiting Gunsight Antiques!


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Click here to enlarge image and see more about item 3505: rare!  8th MARYLAND - TURNER SOCIETY Civil War BUCKLE

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rare! 8th MARYLAND - TURNER SOCIETY Civil War BUCKLE Offered here from our decades on aggressively seeking out and tucking away away such treasures is the beautifully engraved, American eagle embellished, nickel-silver waist belt plate of William Eckhardt as a member of the German American TURNER SOCIETY. (Totally original, untouched and with no condition issues we will let the plate speak for itself through our illustrations leaving the bulk of our comment to the history.)
An organization of German immigrants founded in this country in 1848, based on the political and cultural Turner societies that had existed in Germany since the Napoleonic Wars, the Turners were heavily involved in the American political and militia scene in the Civil War period to include providing the bodyguard at Abraham Lincoln's 1861 inauguration and at his funeral in April 1865. Rare though they are, there are sufficient enough variations in these plates to indicate that each is likely unique. While they offer common society mottoes and signs with common construction, material and style, each seem to have been individually designed to the liking of the wearer. A common feature though is the identification of the specific society member. In this instance the plate offers the script engraved identification to William Eckhardt who is listed in the 1858 Baltimore directory as a tavern owner at 13 Second Street. Enlisting on October 29, 1862 to serve as a private of the 8th Maryland Infantry. As a draftee (see illustration from Eckhardt was assigned to Co. K which was comprised primarily of draftees and substitutes.
By the 1850s the Turner Society was operating in major American cities with Baltimore as a hub of their influence. Expansion spawned formation of the American Know-Nothing party and ultimately led to violent clashes between the two groups. As strong minded Unionists, Turners served in the Civil War Federal military in such numbers that many chapters became inactive or were disbanded because of the number serving in the army. Existing period images of members wearing these distinctive belt plates and at least one example of a battlefield recovery serves to document Civil War military use by Unionist German immigrants. For an in depth reference to the TURNERS, their history, involvement in American politics, the abolition movement, and Civil War military along with equipage to include these belt plates see: Rifles & Blades of the German-American Militia & the Civil War by Thomas B. Rentschler. See also: Thomas Rentschler’s work on German American service in the Civil War and O’Donnell & Campbell’s work on American Military Belt Plates offering an identified Shiloh battlefield recovery. Referred to by specialist collectors as Clear the road !! or Get out of the way!! waist belt plates for the ever present German ’Bahn Frei’ motto, existing examples are prized by specialty collectors of historic German American material as well as Civil War collectors. Buy with confidence! We are pleased to offer a no questions asked three day inspection with return as purchased on direct sales! Just send us a courtesy e-mail to let us know your item will be returned per these provisions and your purchase price will be refunded accordingly. Thanks for visiting Gunsight Antiques!


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Click here to enlarge image and see more about item 63430: Civil War J. B. Thaxter contract – Gettysburg Wounded- 69th New York Veteran’s - CAP BOX

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Civil War J. B. Thaxter contract – Gettysburg Wounded- 69th New York Veteran’s - CAP BOX Best described here by our photos as to condition and eye appeal, this rarely encountered New York issue J. B. THAXTER PORTLAND ME 1862 contractor marked cap box is yet another offering from our downsizing of a many year personal accumulation of Maine related Civil War treasures. (see: Set aside in ourstuff years ago primarily because of its Maine affiliation this box offers an obviously period 69 regimental marking along with J. LOUGHLIN identification markings inside the main flap. Thanks to available period rosters and the limited number of so numbered regiments, it was relatively easy to single out Pvt. John Loughlin of Co. K 69th New York Infantry as the only ’J. LOUGHLIN’ recorded as serving in a 69th regiment in any state.
John Loughlin was twenty-eight years of age when he enlisted and was mustered in on August 5,1862 as a Private on Co. K 69th New York Infantry. As a member of the 69th which lost the greatest number of men killed or wounded of any of the New York regiments, would be wounded in action at the Battle of Gettysburg on July 2, 1863. He was discharged for disability on March 11, 1865.

Buy with confidence! We are pleased to offer a no questions asked three day inspection with return as purchased on direct sales! Just send us a courtesy e-mail to let us know your item will be returned per these provisions and your purchase price will be refunded accordingly. Thanks for visiting Gunsight Antiques!


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Click here to enlarge image and see more about item 63453-2: exceptionally nice!  matching bone mounted KNIFE & FORK

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exceptionally nice! matching bone mounted KNIFE & FORK Best described by our photos as to condition and eye appeal, this untouched mess set is in especially pleasing condition in that the attractively patinaed bone grips are not age cracked as in nearly always the case. Buy with confidence! We are pleased to offer a no questions asked three day inspection with return as purchased on direct sales! Just send us a courtesy e-mail to let us know your item will be returned per these provisions and your purchase price will be refunded accordingly. Thanks for visiting Gunsight Antiques!

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Click here to enlarge image and see more about item 63381: 5th NY Cavalry Regimental Farrier’s – keepsake HORSE SHOE

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5th NY Cavalry Regimental Farrier’s – keepsake HORSE SHOE Another treasure offered here from the paring down of our years of accumulation, this unfinished hand forged horse shoe is a rarely surviving example of a horse shoe blank as would have been blacksmith forged in quantity with issue and ultimate final fitting and application by the farrier. This seldom encountered example of the type will be of special significance to the Civil War cavalry enthusiast and the 5th New York Cavalry collector in particular as it bears a bold identification to A. D. Stiles with notation to Addison D, Stiles who enlisted in the 5th New York Cavalry as farrier Co. F. Period records show that Stiles was ultimately promoted to Regimental Farrier (see: fold 3 & Offered here as found we assume the well-aged tag identification to have been the product of a post-Civil War loan for display as was common to many GAR posts.
Buy with confidence! We are pleased to offer a no questions asked three day inspection with return as purchased on direct sales! Just send us a courtesy e-mail to let us know your item will be returned per these provisions and your purchase price will be refunded accordingly. Thanks for visiting Gunsight Antiques!


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